Wednesday, November 19, 2014


          I was born in Los Angeles on August 11 1998. I was raised in Los Angeles by my parents who 

came from Korea. They came to America and lived in Boston at first. My grandfather died in Boston 

before I was born. My grandmother was with me until i was about three to four years of age. Since

I only knew her at a young age, I don't remember to much about her. English was not my first 

language, it was Korean. Although Korean was my first language, I am better at speaking English. I 

more comfortable when I speak English. I went to Christ the King School since I was in 

Kindergarten. It was a school that had the grades of Kinder to the eight grade year. It was a private, 

catholic school. My older sister also attended the middle school. She was born in the month of June. 

She is now in college at George Washington University. For my ninth grade year, I attended St. 

Francis High School. It was a all male, Catholic, private high school. It was a lot smaller than Fairfax 

by only holding eight hundred students. Now I am going to Fairfax High School and going to finish 

off my high school years at the school.

          The change from a catholic, private school to a public school was not difficult at all. People

said the environment is very different. To me, there was a change but I was adapting to the

environment quickly. Although there wasn't forty students in one classroom at my first high school,

there wasn't too big of a difference.  I was also able to make new friends in both schools so that

made me a social person. I met a lot of new teachers which helped me learn subjects in many new

ways. My favorite subject would have to be history because it is amazing to see how land has

evolved over time and how we got to this point.

          Going to school isn't the best thing for me. I've never liked going to school. I understand we

need to go to school to succeed in life but to me, I don't like doing it. I really look forward to seeing

my friends and at the end of the day playing basketball. I have a close friend that I met when we

were in Kindergarten and we still talk. He also goes to Farifax and he plays volleyball. I've known

for most of my life and I consider him as one of my best friends. I have played basketball since I was

in the third grade and I just fell in love with the game. I still play till this day at Fairfax. The

workouts at Fairfax are more intense than other high schools I have attended. We do a lot more

running and everyone is more talented than my other friends. We run at least two miles every day

and work hard at every practice. Now I understand why Fairfax has such a high reputation of


          I am also an all around person. I love trying out new foods. I love going to my friends parties

because of their food. I love trying different cultural food. I have tried a lot of sports in my life time.

I have tried baseball to basketball to football and many more. I even played ping pong! I would have

to say myself that I wasn't the worst at playing these sports. Whenever I played I was doing well in

that activity. This makes me happy because it makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


What is an American? 

           What is an American? An American to me is someone who lives in America and is supporting 

the society. An example is a factory worker, they made products for people to use in the United 

States. When people think of Americans, they only think of people who are fat and lazy because

the "American" has such a negative feedback. The name has such a negative meaning because people

think all we do is eat fast food and do nothing to help the world. 

          To me it doesn't matter what ethnicity you are. You can be white, Asian, Hispanic, or African 

American, you are still considered an American. If you born in America you are no matter what 

considered an American. If you come from another country, you are an American as long as you 

become a legal citizen. Although I am Korean, I consider myself an American. I was born and raised

California. My parents are from Korea but once they came to America, they got their citizenship. 

Americans can be described in many ways. Americans can also do a lot of different activities. 

Everyone in America has a diverse activity they do. They can be a janitor of a big company to the 

owner of a small town. You can become an engineer or a designer for building, cars, and many more. 

It is easy to spot out that America is diverse because of the people who live here. There are Asians, 

Hispanics, African Americans, and many more. I am an American because I've been living here all 

my life. I have been outside of the country only once. I went to Korea when I was in third grade. 

While I live in America, I do a lot of stuff. I've been to Seattle and still go during some holidays. 

My cousins live there. We drive up there in a eighteen hour car drive. Seeing the beautiful sights

while we drive is just a blessing to be an American. Everyone celebrate America's birthday, July 4, 

by not having work or school. People sing the National Anthem to show respect to the Country too. 

During the years, many have changed. For example, The Declaration of Independence was signed to 

free slavery. This is what is to be an American and I am grateful to be one.